Friday, January 2, 2009

What Diana wore today (and the past few!)

I'm seriously behind in my new series - "What Diana Wore Today"!! So to catch up, here's a bunch:
This one is actually from today. This is two sets of mini korkers. Because my motto is - "bigger is better"!! =)

This is her testing out one of my new, as yet unnamed, styles (send me those names, ladies!!) It's a medium basic bow with spikes to back it up. I think it's a great bow for pigtails - not to big, but noticeable.

Here she is wearing a set of "Cambrie" bows - can you tell I'm really liking the pigtails? Her hair is finally long enough, and she's so stinkin' cute in them!

So, hopefully that gives you some ideas of ways to use my bows! =)

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