Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Dress

I finally got around to making a summer dress for Diana. I'd been wanting to do some sewing for her ever since we brought her home, but never seemed to get around to it. I love sewing summer clothes, so I finally took the time to create this:
It was a lot of fun to sew! I was able to add loads of details to it - including making a ruffled edge with the double ruffled ribbon I so love! =D I'm pleased with how it turned out, and Diana loves it too! Bonus! =D lol.

The back is just as cute:

And of course, a special dress calls for a special bow! =)
This is a triple-layered rufflie bow. I wanted to use a touch of the accent colors to draw them out, so I added some korkers too.

Next up - a Fourth of July dress! Check back soon for that!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I was admiring her dress on Sunday-never guessing you made it!! It's adorable!

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